What Mc Donald’s is to food is what Budweiser is to booze. Launched in 1876, and later acquired by Anheuser-Busch; Budweiser is a well-known beer amongst the common folk. According to Brewers Association, Anheuser-Busch was one of the top brewing companies in 2020 when measured in sales. Anheuser-Busch has a dominant presence around the globe, and its network strains down to small pubs and bars across the world. They sell 100s of different liquors. Naturally, they have a higher market share and retail sales. Budweiser, also as you’ll note further; importantly and regularly engages itself in highly dense events such

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High-end coffee or tea production companies have found ways to associate universal beverages with wealth and worth. Since these have started to acquire a position in the commonplace and among the common folk, especially with the invention of instant coffee; companies find it a necessity to set their coffee as a unique, essential but prized commodity for coffee drinkers. Coffee’s global rise to popularity Coffee wasn’t always a common drink. Tea had pushed into its fame because of the British. Until the Boston tea party in 1773, tea was a popular drink among the American folk. Coffee found its success

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Research has shown that animals in advertisements can inscribe both brand identity and several physiological behaviours such as neurological, behavioural and emotional components. Stone M Sherril in her study tried to break down the reasons of appeal for animals in advertisement and why such ads are so successful. It has been found that subconscious advertising is effective, has been in use for a long time and is still currently being deployed. So, an advertisement can be effective without being obnoxious. This is can be done by adding humour, using provocative elements or subliminal messaging. Visual imaging of negative aspects was

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Food and advertisements. Fast food advertisements are the first thought of the mind. A bright and colour saturated video of advertised food items. Sometimes, companies focus on the appeal of the food through: a) attractive individuals, b) preparation or c)appeal of consumption. One awed by the production, may salivate and become tempted to buy the food item. Change in Marketing Strategy Without any need or implication, food-based companies change ways to boost their image. This is also done to test new styles of marketing. The effectiveness of this strategy is dependent on the association between the company and the strategy

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